

4 - 5岁

The early years of preschool signify new beginnings. It’s a time when your child steps out into the world, discovering and learning through experiences. As a parent, you’re witnessing this growth, hoping you’ll find a supportive environment that will…




At cq9棋牌, you’ll discover a unique preschool program that recognizes your little one’s strengths and needs. 通过培养创造力的课程, 社会性发展, 在游戏中学习, preschoolers thrive in an environment with a Christ-centered approach. Below, you’ll discover an overview of our preschool program, including:

计划的细节 & 时间表

搜索ing for the best private Christian preschool in Lakeland, 佛罗里达?

Many families find that scheduling a tour is a great way to see if LCS is the right fit for their child. Discover our beautiful campus, enriching programs, and creative spaces where your child will thrive. 如需更多信息,请cq9棋牌 (863) 688-2771 or jrice@saturdaycoach.com.


Enriching atmosphere that sparks joy and curiosity

What matters in your search for a Christian school? 它是一个安全、关爱的环境吗? Do teachers and staff model 善良 and love for others? Does it offer an enriching program that has the right blend of learning and 玩?

cq9棋牌’s learning environment encompasses these things and more. We’ve intentionally built our preschool program to help early learners be comfortable as they explore, 玩, 和成长. LCS学龄前儿童通过:

  • 动态学习法. Your child will discover a love of learning through different activities such as 玩ing music, 随歌起舞, 制作有趣的工艺品, 参与假装游戏, 以及其他实践经验.
  • 牢固的父母关系. LCS teachers prioritize open communication with parents through emails, 电话, 议程, 移动应用程序. We 价值 feedback and insight from parents to better understand and meet their child’s needs.
  • 品格教育. 每日圣经班, 每周的教堂, and teachers who model Christ-centered 价值s all cultivate our students’ spiritual and character growth.


Nurturing the whole child in mind, body, and spirit

God’s Word is central to our teaching philosophy at cq9棋牌. Your child will be immersed in a Christ-centered environment with teachers who model biblical 价值s and apply God’s truth in every part of the learning experience. We establish academic, social-emotional, and spiritual foundations in our preschoolers through:


Your child will focus on building strong academic foundations through pre-reading and pre-math skills blended with 玩 and other fun learning experiences. Whether it’s through reading a pretend shopping list, 制作字母工艺品, 或者计算音乐的节拍, LCS preschoolers absorb lessons in enriching ways. 核心科目包括:

  • 音素意识
  • 数觉
  • 解决问题
  • 朗读的
  • DIG Curriculum (Letter symbol and sound recognition)

Teachers at LCS work with preschoolers to develop Christ-like traits such as patience, 同理心, and self-control while also empowering them to navigate big emotions such as excitement, 挫折, 愤怒, 或悲伤. Every part of our social-emotional learning is taught through a biblical lens.


作为父母,安全是你们的头等大事. LCS is committed to the safety and preparedness of its students, staff, and its visitors. 我们有很多安全措施, 包括锁着的门, 保护周边, 所有访客的安全登记系统, 还有一名学校资源官. Emotional safety is also a priority — teachers encourage a culture of respect, 善良, 关心他人.



We selected cq9棋牌 for the strong academic component and intentional partnership focused on helping build and establish a biblical worldview for our son. 我们喜欢Mrs. Missy presents the gospel and the wonders of our Creator through the natural rhythms of everyday learning. We’ve seen our son flourish 和成长 in his confidence with both academics and knowledge of who God is. This K4 program prepares our son to enter kindergarten confidently and well-equipped with the necessary tools.


计划的细节 & 时间表


我们提供全天和课后照顾 . Below are the details of our full day and after-school schedules:


7:50 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

2:30 – 3:00 p.m.


3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


名称: 格林小姐
学位: 小学教育
工作年限: 20年

What do you love most about teaching preschool?

“我真的很喜欢4岁的孩子. 他们喜欢学习! Four-year-olds have so much growth during a given school year, and I love watching them learn new things daily. For most students, it is truly their first school experience.”

“Guiding them through their first steps of the educational journey is a pleasure and delight! I also love getting to teach Bible to my preschool students! It is a joy to watch them soak up the truths about scripture. 我也喜欢每天和他们一起唱歌.”


What will your child’s day look like at cq9棋牌? Here’s a typical schedule where our preschoolers thrive in a balance of learning, 玩, and rest:

7:50 a.m.早上操场
8:10 a.m.桌上玩具/拼图
8:30 a.m.循环时间
8:50 a.m.早上中心
9:55 a.mPE
10:25 a.m.故事时间
10:45 a.m.午餐
11:15 a.m.完成中心/休息
12:15 p.m.艺术/音乐/库
1:00 p.m.午睡/零食
2:15 p.m.解雇



As you search for a private Christian preschool in Lakeland, 佛罗里达, we’re delighted you’re considering cq9棋牌! Planning a visit is the best way to learn more about our programs, 探索我们的校园, and meet the passionate teachers that will care for your child.


问题? 请打电话给 (863)688-2771 or email Julie Rice, our Director of Enrollment, at jrice@saturdaycoach.com.